a Community - events -workshops

About Us

The Divine Brand Collective is a community of heart-centered humans that are committed to elevating the vibration of the planet starting with self-transformation, growth and community building. Our primary objective is to create live and virtual experiences that foster a deeper connection within ourselves and the divine while nurturing personal growth, learning, and positive impact. We strive to provide a sense of peace and grounding to our members, enabling them to continuously evolve and make a difference.

We firmly believe that community is the medicine for the soul. When we come together as a united collective, we unlock our true power and achieve that which we cannot accomplish alone.

Farhana Cannon



Join the Community

Through our creation of sacred spaces and transformative journeys, we help individuals build inner strength, forge deep bonds with others, express their authentic voice, and stand confidently in their truth. We are committed to supporting individuals in connecting with themselves, providing vetting resources for individuals and brands to achieve their dreams, building community, and fostering meaningful relationships.

Upcoming Community Events

On this call we will go over upcoming events, collaboration opportunities and opportunities to become a featured leader in our community.

Live in Person Events

Join us for empowerment, wellness, healing and business events. Our events are designed to build community and expand our skillsets.

Virtual Workshops

Join Weekly Thursdays 12PM EST

Business Workshops, Healing Modalities, and Wellness Activities. Full Moon parties.

Virtual Mastermind

Join Weekly Tuesdays 12PM EST

Connect with other entrepreneurs, share your big wins, and make requests of the group. Feel supported

A community

Jade Membership $33 a month

Featured Leaders

our founder

Farhana Cannon

Farhana is energetic, passionate, and caring. She can light up the room and this is translated in her work. She is a social connector and always looking to put the right brands together to gain further exposure and build community.

She has intuitive nature which is the ultimate benefit of working with her. She supports all of the brands she works with in finding and sharing their authentic voice and gifts with the world. She puts herself in the shoes of your target demographic and can really figure out their needs, likes, and what motivates them to buy. She creates innovative strategies to develop relationships and foster the flow of your sales and marketing funnel.


How It Works

Join the Community

Join our virtual space to connect with other divinely guided humans and brands.

Participate in the Mastermind

Get connected virtually with other members on Zoom calls every Tuesday at 12pm est

Attend Workshops + Events

Attend workshops and events live and virtual. Events will take place in Boston, Miami, Austin and Tulum. More cities to come...



Join Live

Are you ready to embark on a journey of thriving in your business while making a deep and meaningful impact on the lives of others?

At The Divine Brand Collective, we understand your desire to create a positive impact in the world. That's why we have created a community that not only supports you in getting your message out to the world but also connects you with heart-centered clients who are aligned with your vision.

Embodied Authenticity Workshop

Embrace Your Vitality and Clarity

Sept. 14, Thursday - 12PM EST

Day Retreat - Boston

Meditation - Empowerment Work - Tribal Dance

Oct. 1, Sunday - 10PM-5PM EST

Creating Your Brand Story

Share your Gifts with the World

Sept. 21, Thursday - 12PM EST

Effective Communication in Relationships

Stand in Your Power

Oct. 5, Thursday - 12PM

Full Moon Surrender

Rhythmic Breathing Meditation

Sept. 28, Thursday - 12PM EST

Be Divinely Compensated

Healing Your Money Story

Oct. 12, Thursday - 12PM

  • *As we grow and build we will have more detailed descriptions up soon. As of now this sections buttons don't work. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 🙏🏼

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